Summer services start at 10 a.m.

NO Sunday School during the summer.

Services are livestreamed and also available by phone service (except when outdoors). See bulletins for details. The live stream can be viewed below or on YouTube. Recorded streams can be viewed here.

Playlists for Fall 2023

Sunday, July 21, 2024 / Worship Service – 10 AM
When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him [and] thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” . . . Jesus asked, “Who touched my clothes?” Mark 5:27-30.
Service Leader: Chris Dyck.
Music Leader: Lorie Friesen.
Scripture Reading: Andrea Lepp – Mark 5:21-34.
Message: Heriberto Ayala, “The Power of Faith: Who Touched Me?”
→ Children’s Church & nursery care available during the service.
→ Thank you for your tithes & offerings. offerings:
     • Offering box at the Welcome Centre to deposit your giving.
     • E-transfer and payee online options.
     Questions? Come chat with someone at the Welcome Centre.
→ SMBC Sunday morning phone service: 1-888-919-5948. Call just before 10 AM to hear the service on your phone.