
Growing relationships with God

We seek to be diligent in reading, teaching and living God’s Word and communicating with Him through prayer. We program for meaningful worship services, balancing tradition and contemporary styles.

Growing relationships with one another

We seek to help children, youth, singles, couples, families and the elderly to feel cherished and cared for through visitation, care groups and other ministries that target specific needs.

Growing relationships with people in the community and beyond

We seek outreach opportunities in the community and welcome newcomers to our church. We support Mennonite Brethren Missions/Services International [also known as MB Mission, now Multiply] and actively call out people for Christian service locally, nationally and internationally.

Responsible stewardship

We encourage diligent involvement in the work of God’s Kingdom in our church with our time, talents and finances.

(Adapted from Vision of Renewal Statement, Steinbach MB Church, October 1996.)